Fair Trade: a great way of doing business.

I am so excited because this is the first time I’m writing in English in esp@cio diverso e incluyente. This is a milestone and a turning point of taking this blog in a new direction. This post is a result of my helping a friend with his project. Therefore, thank you, Humberto, for inspiring me to write this post.

“Fair Trade” is a video that shows a better model of doing business. It explains what fair trade is in a clear, easy and convincing way in 8 minutes.

The business world definitely needs to be more responsible with the humanity and the environment.  We, the people who are related with business in different ways, should ensure that companies create the highest value for everybody. Of course, businesses need to be more responsible, sustainable, profitable and cleaner. Fair trade is an excellent example of that.

Companies can’t continue using a business model that is unfair for the majority and is only good for the minority.  In my opinion, a win-win situation is better than a win-lose. According to the facts, which we have been witnessing for decades, in capitalism the rich have been becoming wealthier and the amount of poor people have been increasing dramatically. Do you think that this situation is fair?

It’s a positive thing that initiatives like fair trade are increasing in popularity. People who live in countries with high levels of poverty and a wealth of natural resources deserve to have the opportunity of increasing their quality of live. That doesn’t mean that they must work in international companies, while receiving low salaries and exploiting their resources without seeing anything that makes a positive difference in their community. On the contrary, they have to see that their work contributes to generating value for their community, the environment and people around the world. It’s worth it.

We have to change our mentality!   «Fair trade» encourages us to be more concerned about how we can use our power as consumers to make a big change in the economy. If customers demand more products that have been made taking into consideration society and the environment, companies will be more interested in practicing the fair trade. This may seem strange because logic says that companies should always be committed to society, but if they are not completely convinced of that, we need to motivate them by exercising our power responsibly.

To conclude, a good phrase that reflects the way that we have to do business in the common years is: producing locally, benefiting globally, maintaining the highest value for everyone.

Do you think there is a better way of doing business than the Fair Trade?

Have a nice day.

God bless you.

Acerca de Michael Cantero

Inspirado a promover una cultura incluyente
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